​Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT) is a kind of group therapy intended for substance abusers and criminal offenders. It is a step-based approach to target and change common thinking errors that lead to relapse and reoffending. MRT is delivered in a group setting and includes workbooks and homework. It's designed to enhance self-image, promote growth of a positive, productive identity, and facilitate the development of higher stages of moral reasoning. All of these goals will help participants display more appropriate behavior in their homes, community, and relationships. Research has shown that people who graduate from an MRT program have significantly lower levels of re-arrest, relapse, and re-incarceration.
What does "Reconation" mean?
Prior to the common usage of the term "ego" in psychology in the 1930s, the term reconation was used to describe the conscious process of decision making and behavior. The term "moral Reconation" was chosen for MRT because the underlying goal of the program is to change conscious decision-making to higher levels of moral reasoning. This program typically requires participants to attend 12-16, 1.5 hour sessions to complete the program.
What does MRT do?
1. Confront underlying beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors
2. Assess current relationships and decide if they are healthy and supportive
3. Reinforce positive behaviors and habits
4. Identify and develop a positive personal identity and enhance current self-concept
5. Decrease pleasure seeking and self destructive behaviors and develop a higher level of frustration tolerance
6. Develop higher stages of moral reasoning (decision making)
Acacia Wellness Center begins its first round of MRT tonight, August 15, at 5:00 PM. To get on the schedule or the waiting list, please give us a call at (208) 498-1760.