IV Vitamin Therapy is a popular type of therapy used today for improving a person’s health and overall well-being through an IV drip. Although traditionally used for aiding patients undergoing cancer treatment, it’s used more...

IV Vitamin Therapy is a popular type of therapy used today for improving a person’s health and overall well-being through an IV drip. Although traditionally used for aiding patients undergoing cancer treatment, it’s used more...
What is SPRAVATO®? SPRAVATO® is a prescription medicine, used along with an antidepressant taken by mouth to treat: Depressive symptoms in adults with major depressive disorder (MDD)...
Full-service pharmacy located on-site, offering services custom-designed for you The Genoa Healthcare pharmacy located on-site is open and ready to serve you – even if you’re meeting with your doctor by phone or video! The pharmacy...
By: Isabella Peppersack ADHD stands for attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, it is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders. “It is a complex brain disorder that impacts approximately 11% of children and almost 5% of adults...
By McKenzie Morcom MSN PMHNP- Student
If you are a cigarette smoker, you already know what I’m going to say, QUIT! You’ve probably heard this piece of advice before and maybe you’ve tried to quit multiple times without success. You already know the...
What is the Opioid Crisis? We’ve all heard it over the last year, the phrase “opioid crisis” has cropped up in the news, on the radio and in most doctors’ offices, but what is the opioid...
Compiled By Rachel Fabbi, LMF, CADC The winter months can cause increased depression, restlessness, and hopelessness. As we enter the middle of the snowy season, Acacia would like to offer you 31 days of sunshine to brighten your...
July is UV Protection awareness month. UV stands for Ultraviolet rays, which is a type of radiation produced by the sun that causes sunburns. UV can also damage the eyes, cause premature aging, and skin damage, which can lead to skin...
According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) "Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is the name for a group of developmental disorders. ASD includes a wide range, “a spectrum,” of symptoms, skills, and levels of...
There are many types of bullying. Some bullies use verbal or written tactics like teasing, name-calling, or inappropriate sexual comments. Some bullying is social and includes a whole group of people, these situations include,...
By Jorge D. Reyes, LPC When working with individuals who struggle with substance abuse or dependence there are many strategies that can be beneficial. Both individual and group therapy can be utilized to help the patient have a greater chance...
The holidays are here, and with them comes snow, presents, Santa Claus, and increased depression for many patients. This can be because the holidays remind people of time spent with loved ones who have since passed away. Grieving for the...
1. MYTH: Art therapy is only effective for children who are developmentally delayed. FACT: While art therapy can be beneficial for all ages and developmental stages it has a much wider...
Good “hygiene” is anything that helps you to have a healthy life. The idea behind sleep hygiene is the same as dental hygiene. Dental hygiene helps you stay healthy by keeping your teeth and gums clean and strong. Sleep hygiene...
Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT) is a kind of group therapy intended for substance abusers and criminal offenders. It is a step-based approach to target and change common thinking errors that lead to relapse and reoffending. MRT is...